Pandemic book boom: how staying at home sold 200 million books 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Pandemic book boom: how staying at home sold 200 million books

How the world has changed since World Book Day 2020. While the children in our families may not be marking the occasion in the usual, fancy dress way, the mission behind World Book Day remains…

Joining Haggie Partners remotely 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Joining Haggie Partners remotely

Looking for a job during lockdown was, needless to say, extremely difficult. It is very rare that you hear of someone walking straight into a graduate job that they actually want. It is even rarer…

Pikachu for you? 1920 1280 Caroline Klein

Pikachu for you?

How do you feel about Pokemon?  If you’re British, that probably depends on your age. But how would you feel if your credit card was covered in images of Pikachu?  Or if the high speed…

From snow to sand: WEF’s journey from Switzerland to Singapore 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

From snow to sand: WEF’s journey from Switzerland to Singapore

Video killed the conference star? The Covid-19 pandemic changed the face of the event industry; it brought virtual connectivity tools into the spotlight with the majority of events in 2020 conducted online by organisers who…

20/21 vision 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

20/21 vision

January is named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transitions, the month of a new year and a fresh start. Usually, this is a time which fills people with optimism, a chance to…

The heartfelt sounds of Christmas 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

The heartfelt sounds of Christmas

Covid-19 is going to make this Christmas a strange one. Families won’t be able to meet and celebrate together, or, at least, not like they always have. In Poland, we traditionally break wafer bread with…

You live and learn 1920 1280 Caroline Klein

You live and learn

Recently I spoke at a careers fair for job seekers returning from working in Japan on the government backed JET Programme*.  They are returning at an incredibly difficult time for job hunting in general and…

Screen sense – Helping you look your best on video calls 1920 1280 Gavin Warren

Screen sense – Helping you look your best on video calls

You have invested time and money on how you appear to the outside world; on your identity and on your office environment. But we’re not much in that environment right now. We need to think…

Haggie Partners presents… for your autumn perusing pleasure… 1920 1280 Caroline Klein

Haggie Partners presents… for your autumn perusing pleasure…

How have your pandemic lockdown resolutions been going? Did you decide to learn a new language? Take up knitting? Lose a stone? If you’re anything like me, you will have achieved none of these –…

Microsites: Big things come in small packages 1920 1280 Michael Mattinson

Microsites: Big things come in small packages

During lockdown we’ve been spending a lot of our time building microsites*: first there were microsites to help people cope with dispersal; then there were sites to help people plan their return to EC3; and…

The perils of an amateur gardener 1940 1280 Haggie Partners

The perils of an amateur gardener

It seems millennials love plants. That’s what research and trends are showing and I am happy to be one of those who support this data. My love affair with plants began when I started university…

How will COVID-19 impact internal communications strategies? 1940 1280 Caroline Klein

How will COVID-19 impact internal communications strategies?

Haggie Partners recently commissioned FindOutNow to survey financial services professionals with the question, “Do you think your firm will need to change its internal staff communications strategy as a result of the covid19 pandemic?” Out…