Pool Re: leading the conversation

Pool Re: leading the conversation 1100 534 Haggie Partners

Reestablishing Pool Re as a voice in the insurance industry

Haggie Partners has been working with Pool Re since 2015, initially on a campaign to reinvigorate perceptions of Pool Re by increasing understanding of the reinsurer among its critical audiences, and since then continuing to provide a comprehensive media relations programme.

Key to succeeding in reinvigorating the perception of Pool Re was to gain a full insight into how it was perceived by the market. To achieve this, Haggie Partners began by surveying senior executives, underwriters, brokers and SMEs across the UK to measure market understanding and perception of Pool Re.

Haggie Partners and Pool Re then established a series of clear messages, based on which Haggie Partners designed and implemented a wide-reaching communications plan to explain the complexities of the scheme and outline proposed changes at the time. Haggie Partners’ media campaign led to widespread and positive coverage in the national print and broadcast media. In the international trade press, Pool Re was propelled to a position of expert commentator on terrorism insurance issues.

On-going support to maintain and enhance Pool Re profile

Haggie Partners continues to provide a comprehensive media relations programme for Pool Re. This works to publicise its successes, further enhance its profile and influence strategic thinking relating to terrorism (re)insurance and related risks and issues, while maintaining industry, business and parliamentary participation in its aims and mission.

Drawing on the in-house expertise, modelling capabilities and academic partnerships of Pool Re, and promoting its regular in-house publications and research, Haggie Partners has been able to position the mutual as a ‘go to’ voice that cannot be ignored.

Leading the conversation

Pool Re is now viewed as an expert commentator on terrorism issues in the international trade press; and receives widespread and positive coverage in national print and broadcast media. This gives the mutual a significant platform to voice its position and it continues to lead the conversation regarding terrorism pools, insurance coverage and approach.

Chief Executive Julian Enoizi has said: “We have dramatically changed the perception of the scheme and its role within the insurance industry, and successfully concluded intense negotiations with our partners in government. Haggie Partners has been invaluable to this process. They understand this sector and its media, consistently providing us with a platform to voice our position, and helping us to successfully shift perceptions amongst all our stakeholders.”