Welcome to the team
We would like to wish you every success during your employment, whether you recently joined us or whether you are an existing employee. We hope that your experience of working here will be positive and rewarding.
This Employee Handbook is designed both to introduce you to Haggie Partners and to be of continuing use during your employment.
We ask that you study carefully the contents of this Employee Handbook as, in addition to setting out our rules and regulations, it also contains information on some of the main employee benefits that may be available to you, and the policies and procedures relating to your employment. If you require any clarification or additional information, please refer to a partner.
Please note that we provide equal opportunities and we are committed to the principle of equality in accordance with legislative provisions. We expect your support in implementing these policies. We will not condone any unlawful discriminatory act or attitude in the course of your employment or in your dealings with our clients, suppliers, contract workers, members of the public or with fellow employees. Acts of unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation will result in disciplinary action.
General amendments to the Employee Handbook will be issued from time to time.
Any references to the “Company” or “Business” will mean Haggie Partners.